Get Free Firebase Web Hosting

Deven Rathod
4 min readMar 14, 2020

How to get Firebase Hosting For Free it Easy, Fast, Secure

If you’re a developer then you really need a web hosting for host you website or your portfolio but for hosting you need to pay a lot but if you want free hosting this is only for you. talk about free hosting some company like 000webhost provide a free hosting but they show ads and it too slow so it not good for you so here we bring a new post for you were you can get free google Firebase hosting for lifetime and it soo fast, easy and its completely free.

What is Firebase Hosting?

Firebase hosting is a hosting server provide by Google it self. Which provide a static web content to the users in fast , free and easy way.

Why Firebase Hosting ?

There are lost of company provides free hosting like 000webhosting but we cant trust on it and they are not so fast and also they show ads on it and also some company cost you a lot for hosting a website on their servers. and also you have to pay extra for getting an SSL certificate to cover you website to a secure one with https
So Here Firebase Hosting Comes. Firebase Hosting is free So it won’t charge you anymore and the best part of Firebase hosting is by default it provide you free SSL certificate and offers an impressive speed across many geographic locations without the need for a separate CDN on top


Google Account:

I believe you might already have a Gmail account, which is enough. If not create one.

Download Link :

Before you can install the Firebase CLI, you will need to install Node.js on your machine.
Once you’ve installed NodeJs, you can install the Firebase CLI using npm (the Node Package Manager) by running the following command:

npm install -g firebase-tools


This is optional. There are various domain name providers in the world. Additionally, you can buy one from Godaddy.
Lets get our hands dirty

Go to Firebase and sign in with your Google account

then create new project, enter your project name (demo-firebase in my case)

Now come back to the command line and go to your project folder

open Firebase CLI and follow this command:

First we have to login into Firebase from command line. Type in the following command.

It will take you to the sign-in page in the browser, once you’ve successfully logged in it will show you something like this

After that

To initialize Firebase project you have to enter the command

Then you have to select Hosting feature and click enter

Then it will ask you to select Firebase project, select project which we created in step 1 ( demo-firebase in my case)

Then it will ask you enter the main folder in which all your website assets are present. ( public folder in my case)

It will ask you whether your application is single page or not, for now enter y

It will try to override your index.html file, to avoid doing that enter n

If everything goes right you can check you website locally by running command

It will run you website locally on http://localhost:5000 by default.

For deployment of your project you have to run command

Congratulations! your website is now live, you can check by going to url which is provided in the command line

Originally published at on March 14, 2020.

